Berlin Database of Emotional Speech

General information

As a part of the DFG funded research project SE462/3-1 in 1997 and 1999 we recorded a database of emotional utterances spoken by actors. The recordings took place in the anechoic chamber of the Technical University Berlin, department of Technical Acoustics. Director of the project was Prof. Dr. W. Sendlmeier, Technical University of Berlin, Institute of Speech and Communication, department of communication science. Members of the project were mainly Felix Burkhardt, Miriam Kienast, Astrid Paeschke and Benjamin Weiss.

More information about the Berlin Emotional Speech Database and the analysis results you will find in the several publications mentioned here.

For details about the usage of this database read section Emo-DB.

Elements of the navigation frame


With a click on this link you come back to the very beginning. At this site you can choose between normal (1024x768 pixel) and high resolution (1280x1024 pixel) in order to get the best viewing results for your screen size.


This section explains how to use this website to see what is in the database and how to configure the layout of the presentation of the various kinds of information included in this speech database.
In short there are the sound files itself, the label files (syllable label files and phone label files), information about the results of different perception tests (including the recognition of emotions, the evaluation of naturalness, the syllable stress and the strength of the displayed emotions) as well as some results of the measurements of fundamental frequency, energy, loudness, duration, stress and rhythm.

How to start:

After a click on Emo-DB (in the navigation frame on top) you will see a new frame here. There you have the possibility to choose speaker, text and emotion. The database will show you all the utterances available fulfilling your request. Since the database contains more than 500 utterances be careful not to choose all speakers, all texts and all emotions if you do not want to wait too long for a response.
The result of your request will be shown after clicking on the button "!".

You will see a table containing the following information:

In the right frame you can configure the display of the chosen utterance according to your needs.

Note: After changing an option to see the effect you will have to reload the configuration AND click again on the button with the name of the utterance.

Options for configuring the graphic display:


There you will find the possibility (not now but soon!) to download the audio and label files of this database. You can use it for your own analyses as long as you point out the origin of the data correctly. However you will not be able to download and install this graphical web interface for local installation.


Its the page you are reading now. If you want to know more let me know by email.

Results of Analyses and Perception Test

There you will find a few of our analysis results regarding measurements of fundamental frequency, duration and stress. You can see histograms of the fundamental frequency of one or more utterances at the same time in different scales (linear scale in Hz and a logarithmic scale in semi tones). Furthermore you can see the results of one of the perception tests which included the recognition of emotions and the naturalness of the utterances.
I hope this is self-explaining - if not, ask me for explanation.


On this site you will find a contact address. If you would like to know more, if you have questions or want to make comments do not hesitate to ring or mail us.

Additional Information

Every utterance is named according to the same scheme: Example: 03a01Fa.wav is the audio file from Speaker 03 speaking text a01 with the emotion "Freude" (Happiness).

Information about the speakers

Code of texts

codetext (german)try of an english translation
a01Der Lappen liegt auf dem Eisschrank.The tablecloth is lying on the frigde.
a02Das will sie am Mittwoch abgeben.She will hand it in on Wednesday.
a04Heute abend könnte ich es ihm sagen.Tonight I could tell him.
a05Das schwarze Stück Papier befindet sich da oben neben dem Holzstück.The black sheet of paper is located up there besides the piece of timber.
a07In sieben Stunden wird es soweit sein.In seven hours it will be.
b01Was sind denn das für Tüten, die da unter dem Tisch stehen?What about the bags standing there under the table?
b02Sie haben es gerade hochgetragen und jetzt gehen sie wieder runter.They just carried it upstairs and now they are going down again.
b03An den Wochenenden bin ich jetzt immer nach Hause gefahren und habe Agnes besucht.Currently at the weekends I always went home and saw Agnes.
b09Ich will das eben wegbringen und dann mit Karl was trinken gehen.I will just discard this and then go for a drink with Karl.
b10Die wird auf dem Platz sein, wo wir sie immer hinlegen.It will be in the place where we always store it.


Code of emotions:

letteremotion (english)letteremotion (german)
AangerWÄrger (Wut)
N = neutral version